Sunday, March 7, 2010

Facebook Archive 15 Jan 2010

Wow so here I am. My first note in ages, and its being done on a bus, I'm in a good mood, Josh's dance mixes and club tracks playing in my headphones, trundling to town, simply cause I'm bored and have no reading material.

Hmm. That's right, no emo struggling issue today, or huge insight to ponder, which isn't how I envisioned my first note coming back, but hey.

Seems totally true to nature. Haha. Random, impulsive, completely irrational, racing to town to bump into Rachael, Angie and some people, before rushing to cell which is in 24 minutes, but I'm not headed there straight simply cause the next 970 is gonna take 20 minutes to come and I refuse to be waiting that long, I might as well head into town ._.

Its not that I don't have issues anymore. Haha. Broke down on Monday, rather graphically, its the first time since I can't remember when that I let myself depend on friends, instead of trying to stay strong or positive for them.

The newsroom at Heatwave is now officially the breakdown room. Haha. The amount of talks and other emotionally fragile moments that have happened in there...we should rent it out man. "Want a nice snazzy soundproof room to cry in with the lights off? Come to! There's the minor issue of everyone being able to see you through the windows, but we can cover those up don't worry about it. Call us at 6460 8382...."

But I'm all good. Haha. Thanks. And above all, thank you Josh and Juu for being there, its all good and it speaks volumes about how much I trust you that I allow myself to cry around you. I needed that though, was tonnes good for me. I'm great with crying in private, but allowing myself to ask for help, and be raw in front of someone else, I really needed that. Thanks guys. And of course Adin and whoever else was around (:

Sooo emo. Haha. Bus is pretty cramped right now! Going past....SCGS? And of course I'm typing with two hands.

Everyday now I thank God so much that I have two hands.

Still not sure what the point of this note is! HAHA. Bumping along the road with club remixes and dance tracks.....awesome work/travel music. Haha thank youuuuu deejay josh. :D

American woman next to me on the bus reading her e-book reader next to me seems cool.

On that note, there was this totally cute girl trying to get on the crowded 74 on the stop after school. Haha. Awwww. I was stuck right at the front door, where you're already trying to dodge the closing doors while standing on the steps, and she was the only one at the bus stop, and totally unsure whether she should come on or not! Soooo cute. Hahaha. I was trying to make space for her, a little bit, OUT OF THE GOODNESS OF MY HEART, NOT CAUSE SHE WAS CUTE OKAY MAYBE, but no one in front of me seemed to be moving!

And the bus uncle had to ask her if she wanted to get on the bus. Hahahaa.

No, the totally gorgeous and confident Keann did not hit on her. Sorrryyyy lahhhh I'm totally the shyest person on earth yes.

Speaking of girls.

Oh do I really want to do this now. HAHA.






I'll leave my heart to debate on whether I want to talk about girls or not, while my brain registers that I'm at Novena, its gonna be 730 in 6 minutes, and Lies Remixed is a totally awesome track.

Shiz yeah :D

Hmmmmmm girls. Ah, but there's no one!

I'm too flippant at the moment to do a deep "seeking love" post, and still too protective of my heart to do the "omg so and so is really cute" with hints of who these people are. I firmly believe that talking about secret crushes can ruin lives, and if I wanted to hint it, it always does more damage than its worth.

Huh. So no talking about what my fingers are dying to type about right now, BUT ITS ALL GOOD.

Is there somebooodyyyyy. Who still believes in looooovvveee,

I'm just killing time really. Sorry if you came here for a totally introspective life-illuminating post, but I don't think that's where this is going right now, especially since I'm getting off soon D:

Ohhhhh nuts its 730 now shouldn't I just stay at town. Of course not, I stop by Rachael and the others for like 2 minutes, and then I run to the bus stop and put my remixes back in my headphones.

Waiting for the 970 back at school would take the same time anyway D: I feel a bit more productive this way, as well as exciting. Haha.


Hmmmmmphhhh. Oh Christmas lights are off D:

Getting off v v soon! Like two stops. At least I THINK that's where they are, which is the Cathay....uhhhhh.

They better not be at Far East. Haha.

OKAY LATER. Thanks for staying tuned to this not-so-regularly-scheduled-okay-who-are-we-kidding-not-at-all-totally-pointless-but-totally-awesome-thoughtbit of Keann.



Uh. Haha that was interesting! HMMMMMM.

*grabs music and headphones and chills on a double decker home*

Thank you God for everything today (:
Updated about 2 months ago · ·
Alexis Fyl
Alexis Fyl
Didn't I just see you on MONDAY?!
January 15 at 1:50am ·

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