Monday, December 15, 2008

On The Last Plane Home


So I was stumbling around Junction 8 at Bishan (we’ll get to why I was there later) and suddenly I was compelled to blog about something I saw/experienced/loved/had to talk about straightaway cause it was really sweet and a really timeless moment.

What do we do in times like these?

Retreat to Starbucks, of course :D

Except I found out with much indignation that there apparently ain’t no Starbucks at Junction 8 so I walked into Coffee Bean (next best thing right?) grudgingly..

And pretty much walked right out.

Coffee Bean is fail. Décor and woodsy smell just..doesn’t feel right, and it was crowded, and I couldn’t hear no music, only incessant chatter which I have never experienced in Starbucks before.

I just wanted a place to blog though, so I was about to stay, but then I realised I had no hard cash on me and I gave up about there.

I went outside though! Tables outside, nobody using them, I won’t get in the way, sounds like a good idea :D

5 seconds later I decide I’m just going to blog on the MRT with Microsoft Word and here I am :/

Sheesh man. Incessant pounding of the drills @ construction work near the MRT + the maddeningly annoying Salvation Army volunteer going DING DING DING DING DING DING DING DING with her bell non-stop at a semiquaver rate = quite an experience.

You should try it sometime.

And thusly Coffee Bean equals fail. Sigh.

So I was at Junction 8 at Bishan to sign up for that Subway job.

Yar srsly.

That’s right. Crappy $4/hr pay, crappy green polo, chopping onions and other weird veggies in the morning, memorizing the meat combinations and orders..

See, the clincher for me is that Subway is going to be in school :o

1. Free drinks forever next to FMS block for me = awesome
2. Free lunch during school days for shifts that I’m working = much saving going on.
3. Morning opening shifts won’t be such a chore cause I live relatively near and I could help out before classes
4. All my friends will be there.
5. I’ve worked there briefly before so I vaguely know the system..
6. Free leftover cookies at end of the day. YES PLEASE :D

And suddenly that $4 pay isn’t quite so bad. Haha. Meh. So we had to go to Bishan to sign up if we wanted the job..

Hence me @ Bishan.

Got my creative journal book finally! And crayons, and colour pencils, and glue, but I stopped short of glitter because it’s a bloody ripoff.

$1.20 - $1.55 for a little small fat tube of one colour. What the hell. Srsly. They don’t tell you these things on the Barney Show when they spam glitter all over the place..

That said I need a Barney Bag.

(pause while I transfer trains at Raffles)

- camps out on space on the floor in the westbound train –

Apple would totally love me right now, I’m totally doing image advertising for them at the moment. Me and my soccer ball in my casual beige pullover and beach berms and white sneakers with tousled hair leaning casually in the corner blogging with the Mac on my knees…

Except I’ve just found out I’m on the wrong door sides to be sitting at. Crap crap crap.


Ah wellgh.

I’m sticking it out dammit. Lol. :/

ANYWAY I nearly lost my phone at Popular. Sigh. Technically I did. I left it at the counter after my purchase and looked into my bag for it and didn’t find it and was spazzing and somewhere in that time someone put it into the drawer.

Couldn’t they just have left it on the counter for me…

Well, whew, thank you Lord. I was praying, and the people there were all really nice about it. Heh.

SO I wandered into Trumpet Praise somehow :D

And this is what I wanted to talk about :D :D

I don’t know, its like, I was idly mozing around feeling stressed because of all the Christmas shoppers around me and all the Christmas merchandise going around, and I’m nowhere near presents yet?


Don’t get me wrong. I would love to go out and buy presents like everyone else. Like, looking at something, and thinking “Dude he’d really like this” oh lol “She needs that definitely”, buying a CD here, a book there, a little pen thing here, some more expensive and some less expensive than others but it doesn’t matter because you’re sincere about picking them out, the price tag just happens to be the one it has?

Problem is that I don’t have the sustainable income to do that for more than what, 3-4 people D=

And it wouldn’t be fair..

I could make stuff, and draw cards, little things, but I’m scared I won’t have the inspiration to last me through the 30-40 people I want to do things for this Christmas.

Okay getting off train.

Yeah. Plus I dunch know if I have the time to do all of that. You know like how you start writing letters to a bunch of people but you get emotionally tired about halfway through and the stuff starts becoming generic? And that would be so hugely unfair to the people I happened to be writing to later ):

Anyyway. So yeah. Feeling stressed. Was looking for the CD store but ended up walking into Trumpet Praise somehow, and the moment I stepped in I got marvellously cheered up already :D

Trumpet Praise is a Christian book/cd store, alright (:

The atmosphere was completely different from everywhere else in the mall, completely a tangible difference, and it was so cool! You know, even though its Christmas, and Trumpet Praise has Christmas stuff going on, and everywhere else has Christmas stuff going on, but its so completely different somehow..

It hit me when I was walking in and there were about 7-8 people in there and it just hit me that all the people in here right now were driven and led by a love for God :D

And that even though I didn’t know any of them, there was this relationship, this understanding, this group mentality that we just shared and we knew we shared it simply because we were in the same bookstore :D

And I felt completely safe, and everything, and yeah(:

Good experience. Hahahah(:

There were a couple of CDs I wanted, and loads of books and devotionals I saw in there that I wanted or wanted to buy for people..

But I simply can’t afford anything so agh well :/


Okay well. Heading home. See you in 10 minutes (:

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