Wednesday, October 1, 2008



So yesterday night, I was tired, and semi-gloomy, and I decided I needed to go to Sentosa today. Alone if I must. With a book, a mat, some bread and jam, and maybe swim stuff if I decided to, and spend the day whiling away watching the breeze til the evening.

You know. Find myself. Not think about other people. This is for me. And God. Finding myself, finding God, and just chilling(:

And then I started packing, and realised that if I'm bringing bread and jam dammit, I might as well ask people along for the picnic..

So I called Josh. Phones off. I called Adin. He can't. Pris has family day. So I called Gerald.

And Gerald asked me to call Ning.

And Ning told me to call Pam.

And at the end of it all I had called like pretty much all the Apaches..

Which is funny in a way, because I've never had such overwhelming success getting together an impromptu retarded thing at 12am before, and considering this time I underlined to each person I called that it was going to be a chill thing, and if no one went I was going anyway? And people were up for it? :D

Not a lot of us are going. Which is to be expected. But I'm not worried about it, cause it IS supposed to be a chill thing. Deb and Brandon want me to push the thing to Thursday, haha, I told them we could go AGAIN if it was fun. XD

We are so the most happening tribe (: (:

Yes, we realise its a public holiday. We realise the rabid families will be thronging. Which is why we are retreating into Tanjong Beach. In the afternoon. This should be fun(:

It still cracks me up that the one time I want to do something "chill", and not "hyper", like I usually do, people want to come along. :DD

Yayy. Well. I've found 2 beach mats and 2 sleeping bags. And clothes. I need to find food. !!

The weather looks encouraging. Sun's out, its bright, but not hot, and its breezy. :D

It scares me a little that 90% of the Apaches I called yesterday after 12/1am were still up. We're the insomniac Indians.

Riiight. Laterz.


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