Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Right I only have 5 minutes left on this thing, so a quick rundown is about good so i can move on in my life and blog the new stuff as it hits me :D

1) Service was awesome beyond awesome. I was still feeling very down at the start of it, but my life is funny in the sense that whenever I ask God to show me His Presence, and break me down and heal me at service, He does so. He comes through, and every time in an entirely new way that I never see coming, but is so perfect. :D Okay I shall stop talking now. :D

2) Hannah (: Shoutout! :D

3) Family church was alright. Meeting NPcell for dinner at east coast after their outing was pretty cool too. Went about queensway with YJ and got a book from him when i tagged along to his place. Awesome

4) Hanging out with Adin, Keenan and Josh has been awesome.

5) Sarah Marshall freaking effing rules. Period.


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