Thursday, September 11, 2008

Okay fine hahahaha

Yes, I'd better talk about how the day was yesterday hahahahah.

It was really fun! Like, the previous night, I was up till 5am with paper and markers and everything strewn over the living room carpet writing letters for people that I felt compelled to write to, whether I really missed them, really appreciated them, wanted to encourage, all of that, and yesterday was the giving out of those letters to the people I wrote to.

Yes I could have mailed them. But where's the fun in that. (Okay you can debate that there is absolutely no fun going around all of Singapore without a concession pass but hey the important thing is the spirit of craziness okay) Plus, I don't really trust the postman. Just an upbringing where my mom has no qualms about opening my letters for "my own good", and if anybody else's parents are like that, and not understand that a guy coming across half the world to drop off a handwritten handfolded letter of love and encouragement DOESN'T ALWAYS HAVE TO BE A COURTING LETTER.

Yeah well. Haha. So I woke up at 10am in vague pleasant fuzziness, trying to remember what I had to do on a Wednesday, cause I vaguely remembered something really important was going on, and suddenly i was like OHSHIT RED CAMP TRIAL AT 11 RUN.

Yeah. Its amazing how fast I can get out of the house when I want to. Sigh.

So Red Camp Trial was cool. Idk. I mean, I think I did well, plus okay I already knew all of the people testing us and I was concentrating more on keeping the relationship professional than anything? And I found out Deb's a dancer, not just a dancer, but a trainer :o


Aaahh. Haha. Hope I get in though. I mean anything can happen, and it IS up to God, and I'm cool if I don't. But I do love working with those people though. Its always fun and insanely productive and so nice and clean and stuff. :D

Like, I have never seen any ambassador or SL place an overly great emphasis on vulgar humour. And that means something to me, tons really.

ANYWAY. Got into interview room with Kim and Janani. It was funny. Kim started scolding me for not picking up my phone yesterday the moment I got in.

"Oh er, I was watching a movie"


[sheepish expression]

Heh. Right, so went to poke about IS filming for a little bit. Passed Pris her letter. Gerald you rock as a rocker man. You should do it more often. No serious. Effing cool! Haahahha.

And when that was wrapped up, the guys went to KAP for dinner, but I stayed behind cause I wanted to work on cell worship this week. Uh. And was trying to find out where exactly dear Charlene stayed so I could pass her the letter I had for her, BUT SHE WAS SLEEPING.

Its like once Char gets home, she becomes the Immovable Object and wont ever get out ever again nope.

But I love you anyway girl, it wouldn't be the same if you weren't like that. Haha. (:

And then I went to meet the guys again anyway cause Josh took my charger -.-

Headed to town with Adin so I could pass Bev her letter, and met up with Adelyn, which was cool cause I haven't seen her in years but she's always so funny. Haahha. Hit Bishan on the train so I could go find Hannah's place!

Cause you know, Hannah's place is at Bishan and all.


Sigh. I got my ass to Bishan. Hannah didn't pick up. I called Yisin. Yisin...

tells me Hannah stays at Serangoon.

Me: $£!@£@!^$@$%£@%$£!!!!!£%@!!!!

Blah. Haha. Hannah woke up and started panicking cause she had no idea how to direct people to her house, and the way she was saying it was like so complicated I really thought it was really hard to get there. So I got on 13, and got off one stop too early by mistake cause I was deathly afraid of overshooting, started plodding down the road,

And suddenly I realise the surrounding area looks awfully familiar.

Me to Hannah: If you stay next door to my grandmother, I'm spazzing out.

Yeah. I've only been going to that area my whole life...

Lol. So yeah. I head over to Serangoon still in shock, on my way to Charr's place now, and I decide that the worst possible thing that can top what just happened is Charr getting on the same train to go home and me not noticing til we reach Chinese Gardens.

Uh. Lol. This was about...830pm?

Right. It was a rather uneventful trip though. Up til about when I took the westbound train from Outram and suddenly I realise that I know the person sitting in front of me.

No it wasn't Charr.

Mathias. Haha. One of the DHs from FOC camp, he went to Mongolia for 6 months for attachment and apparently came back a week ago. That was cool, haha. Guy's hair looked so different. And he was talking to a dude that I also knew, Red Camp SL with me last year too for the Centurion tribe.

Freaky. Haha. Good to catch up though. Mathias is always so levelheaded and its cool, cause I had a chance to talk to someone from that whole SU family about the whole thing? Like quitting and everything? And air my concerns about the possible backlash I've been worrying about?

Catching up was cool man. Haha.

And I found Charr's place eventually, and hauled my ass home.

And Charr finds her letter about when the time I reach Queenstown and manages to bless me so much with a thankyou that melted my heart so much it made everything all worth it and beyond(:

I'm ALWAYS here for you girl, okay? I love you(:

:D Okay I am off. Later. (:

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