Sunday, August 3, 2008


Hmmm. So I’m sitting alone in Starbucks now, with no phone and no Internet cuz I don’t have my WirelessSG password. Haha. But I have my com! And my headphones! And my bible and my notebook!


So for the past hour I’ve just been focusing on God. Heh. No real great focus to it. No great revelations. But it’s a good time and I’m enjoying myself just sitting and soaking in God’s presence (:

Cause Lord, like Sherry said, I need to hunger for You more(:

So. Guys. My phone is nuked. I’m quitting WoW. And now my Internet’s gone, and I’m stuck here alone cause my friend is a little late.

And most would see this as “omg why shit your life sucks ahahaha”.

But can you see what an amazing blessing this is, people? I would get so distracted at home. The bed, the food, the tv, etc. But here and now I’m forced to go to God cause there’re no other distractions here, and I thank You God for this time. Heh.

He works in amazing ways(: Hey, I’ve known for awhile now that I need to spend more time with Him kay, I mean, I haven’t been doing QT for quite awhile now, cuz I wake up and I’m distracted by WoW and other things. And I missed cell yesterday cause I got caught up by WoW. Even though at the same point I wish I wasn’t playing WoW.

And I think that’s what a lot of us go through for a lot of things in our life. But when I actually manage to get away, and I come to church and service, there is a sense of belonging and rightness that cannot be replaced and compared to anything else. WoW is fun, sure. So are the other things that we do. But when I come to God, its all that and more, and theres a sense of rightness flowing through all of me, and I know this is exactly where I want to, and need to be(:

Yesterday during worship was simple, but so profound for me because it was so simple. The whole time, the words “Right here, right now, this is where I want to be Lord” were flowing through my head, and I had this irrevocable sense of peace. Not just peace from worshipping God, or peace from distractions in life. It was all that, plus the peace of knowing that this is my place in the life God wants me to be(:

And I never want to go away Lord, even though sometimes I think to the contrary. Like what a lot of us do. We get deceived, we get distracted. We get told that this or that is more fun, or more important, but somehow when we manage to come back or be dragged back, You show us that nothing really compares(:

And I don’t regret at all being dragged out to Starbucks today Lord, if only to write this, and to spend the past hour looking at nothing but You. :D

I should do this more often. Haha. Every Sunday at Starbucks mebbe? No real need to ask God for some amazing revelation or amazing solution to some problem or other. As in, those are great too I think, but sometimes I think God wants to let us bask in His Glory just for the simple sake of basking in it(:

There doesn’t always have to be a complicated Greater Purpose to it yo. Heh.

Love you too God, and thank you for this time(:

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