Thursday, July 17, 2008


So today I'm going to blog about God.

But first, the 30 sec kneel down prayer revolution :D

I was gonna post a picture, but blogger images seems to be down so ah well. Anyway:

This is their site. I'll give you a rundown. Its a school movement started (in Africa?) where Christian Students sink down on their knees in public in their schools for 30 secs to pray for them. In the classrooms, in the corridors, on the basketball court just before a game, at the school gates, anywhere at all. Anywhere is fair game, and a short 30 sec prayer to the Lord for intercession, revival and change follows.

I'm doing it. I don't care if anyone else is or isn't. But I am. I got off the bus today for school and knelt at the tables at the Student Plaza to pray, i was terrified beforehand, and was hyping myself up to do it all the way on the bus, but the moment it was done I wanted to do it again. And again and again. Like every few metres: D

But then i'd never get to class on time so...

So I managed to do it once today. 30 seconds of prayer. Public prayer. Prayer where I'm putting myself out there for God. And if my friends ask me what im doing, and they're Christian, opportunity to spread the movement! And if they're not Christian, its reach out time!


And I'm doing this because I believe that prayer can and WILL make an impact. Prayer is like fuel. And its our job to spread it and slosh it around. And keep pouring it out. And its God that lights the match for revival :D

This was taken from the message from Pastor Daniel at Ngee Ann Poly on Tuesday at the Poly Day of Prayer, where people from all the different polys came down to Ngee Ann, who hosted it, to pray for their schools.

And finally I understand the importance of prayer. I used to doubt a little before, I mean like, sure prayers have an effect, but I didn't know how lol. And now I know. The fuel thing. Its the laying of the groundwork for God to move mightily!

And I will stand up and lay it, dammit, haha :D

Poly Day Of Prayer. Was so good(: Lots of COOS people were there haha, Pastor Josh and Pastor Jen too! The turnout was kinda..just nice? Haha, like the LT was filled just enough with space to move around a bit. But considering how many people each poly has in it...

Wait for next year. Its gonnnaaaa be A BLAST. :D

I mean, besides the awesome worship, and the prayer, and the message etc, I personally gained something from that that I hoped others did too.

I was able to worship alongside people that usually see me like more...restrained? in school, and vice versa. I mean not that i'm less crazy in school, but its a bit different. Like I don't open myself up to vulnerability the way I do in church, to worship God. Yeah. And it was interesting how I was trying to break out of that in a semi "school" setting, specially praising God alongside Tab.

Cause usually we're a bit "act cool", in general, and i think standing next to each other watching each other pour out their passion and love for God blessed us greatly, both as individuals and as brother/sister in Christ.


And that's how it should be among all Christians in school/class! Unafraid to proclaim their fervor for God!

But yeah(:

Also I got 1 of the 3 breakthroughs I was looking for since I started the Daniel Fast. Haha. Yayish. God is good :D

The Daniel Fast...has been interesting to say the least, pondering what i can and cannot eat, and mulling over the grey areas of things such as milk, soya bean drinks, eggs, etc.

Because technically I'm supposed to be hitting veggies and water? Haha.

Up to what I want to achieve in and honour God with, I guess. (:

Yuppp. But its been cool. Haha. And I just know God has greater things in store for me with the undertaking of this fast, so its all worth it and I'm still glad, even if I get pissed off at Ngee Ann's Canteens super veggietarian-unfriendliness.

Lol. Ok ok ok. Work time. Lotish to do. Etc. Yawn. Haha. Later and see you tmr after I've done the kneeling 30 second thing AT LEAST TWICE. :D


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