Sunday, June 29, 2008


ONE: Charlene:

HAHA YES. Much loves though, I can't get enough of you girl. See you soon k <3


And for any idiot who's wondering, the girl has a boyfriend. Who isn't me. Such a shame right. *snortbdfbfadfsnort*


No really. Don't get disturbed. I generally am expressive like that. Which is good. I....think.

TWO: Keenan!

You mean Celine. And Mel and Cedrick were supposed to be at your table. They're not the designated bimbos anyway so I wasn't worried much..

Your table was fine anyway. Haha. Biggest drama of the night right. HAHA.

Lol. And what. Fine. And here was I thinking she just miraculously appeared...

THREE: Adin!

Weren't you one of the first to go or something? Lol. Idk. I still wholeheartedly believe we should have won best group...

BUT ENOUGH ABOUT THAT HAHA. Yes okay fine adding. Haha.



Gah. Haha. Why aren't you going for Yisin's gig!


So today I woke up at..1pm. After sleeping at 530ish, if you saw my previous post. That's about 8 hours right. Healthy and all that. Then at 1.30 died again. Till..5.15pm.


So I had this epic dream about a pool party:


5:03:19 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: it was a really good dream though

5:03:36 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: i

5:03:50 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: managed to get a pool party in school

5:04:03 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: in 2 classrooms

5:04:04 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: ...

5:04:34 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: like some poshy nus style kinda big rooms

5:04:39 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: next to each other

5:04:46 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: above the ground floor
5:05:19 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: josh and sharyl and everyone generally that we hang with in school were there

5:05:26 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: zayar and all

5:05:55 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: and there was some drama with the security guard that involved the caterers having to come pack up the pool then set it up again

5:05:59 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: they were kinda pissed

5:05:59 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: lol

5:06:19 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: pool party getting to my head much

5:06:20 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: lol

5:24:02 PM KIKKOMAN // Keenan [Wet] ✟ Totally Brutal evening: No shit

5:24:02 PM KIKKOMAN // Keenan [Wet] ✟ Totally Brutal evening: Hahaha

5:24:10 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: gg

5:24:16 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: but it was a good pool party!

5:24:25 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: like nothing you'd expect

5:24:41 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: it was more like

5:24:54 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: well i thought it was ngee ann poly

5:25:03 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: but on reflection it clearly wasn't?

5:25:21 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: like half the setting was some of the hdb blocks/playground near my place

5:25:33 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: that somehow got integrated into the campus at the back

5:26:02 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: and the pool actually was something that'd be brought in

5:26:02 PM KIKKOMAN // Keenan [Wet] ✟ Totally Brutal evening: Weird

5:26:07 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: not

5:26:09 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: already there

5:26:10 PM KIKKOMAN // Keenan [Wet] ✟ Totally Brutal evening: Woa

5:26:12 PM KIKKOMAN // Keenan [Wet] ✟ Totally Brutal evening: Woah^

5:26:29 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: like digging a hole
in the middle of the ground seemed really easy and temporary, somehow

5:26:56 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: eh

5:26:57 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: wait

5:27:02 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: no the pool was already there yes

5:27:07 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: it was an epic pool

5:27:10 PM KIKKOMAN // Keenan [Wet] ✟ Totally Brutal evening: ..okay?

5:27:12 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: huge

5:27:27 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: with little
waterfalls and hot water jet options

5:27:41 PM KIKKOMAN // Keenan [Wet] ✟ Totally Brutal evening: Hahahaha!

5:27:49 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: then the guards came

5:27:51 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: and owned me

5:28:02 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: but after they left i got the caters to set up everything again, covertly

5:28:05 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: mind you

5:28:09 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: tentage is

5:28:12 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: really expensive

5:28:18 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: but for some
reason i had tons

5:28:23 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: billowy curtain

5:28:25 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: lol

5:30:24 PM KIKKOMAN // Keenan [Wet] ✟ Totally Brutal evening: Werid

5:30:26 PM KIKKOMAN // Keenan [Wet] ✟ Totally Brutal evening: Weird

5:30:27 PM KIKKOMAN // Keenan [Wet] ✟ Totally Brutal evening: lol

5:30:33 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: but cool

5:30:35 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: and pleasant

5:31:12 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: funny how the
dream ended

5:31:19 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: just before the
party started for real

5:31:27 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: like when i first set
up i was the only one there

5:31:31 PM KIKKOMAN // Keenan [Wet] ✟ Totally Brutal evening: Aw

5:31:33 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: and i had a bit of

5:31:41 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: as well as explored
the epic pool on my own

5:31:50 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: like the waterfalls
and hot water jets

5:32:17 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: before the guards
came and semi-high drama errupted

5:32:32 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: something about i
booked the pool but i have to book it one week in advance or its void

5:33:09 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: then later when i
succeeded in getting the thing to work the scene had somehow transformed into an upstairs
closed room thing

5:33:14 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: like one room

5:33:19 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: (hotel function

5:33:26 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: tables and stuff
and food

5:33:30 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: food on the
landing outside

5:33:32 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: lots of it

5:33:34 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: i mean corridor

5:33:37 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: ad the next room

5:33:39 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: the pool

5:33:50 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: except the pool
was this giant inflatable thing now that was filling up

5:34:04 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: and people were coming in

5:34:09 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: josh and the

5:34:10 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: zayar

5:34:12 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: sharyl

5:34:12 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: adin

5:34:13 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: pris

5:34:15 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: li

5:34:28 PM KIKKOMAN // Keenan [Wet] ✟ Totally Brutal evening: Hahahaha

5:34:31 PM KIKKOMAN // Keenan [Wet] ✟ Totally Brutal evening: Man

5:34:33 PM KIKKOMAN // Keenan [Wet] ✟ Totally Brutal evening: I think

5:34:35 PM KIKKOMAN // Keenan [Wet] ✟ Totally Brutal evening: SU is getting to you

5:34:38 PM KEANN~ i dreamt i had a pool party in school. Literally. Lol.: and i was just
dimming the lights and giving josh his soundset when i think the dream ended


Yes I think SU is getting to me. Lol. Anyway busy busy! Lots to do tonight. Haha. Devotion being one of them. :D

Much Loves.

Today was one of the best days of my life, period.

I love you all, and you're the one group of people I feel most at home with, not schoolmates, not detentionmates, not NPSU people, just you guys.

Because our bond is stronger than all of that because God's like the perfect center of it(:

Will blog about what an amazing day today was AFTER I GET SOME SLEEP. ITS 430 AND WORK STARTS AGAIN TMR. AAAAA.

I need a new blogskin, someone needs to throw one at me.

Thank You God for everything you've given me, now i just want to experience your joy because I love You and because You love me too



Aw hell. Might as well.

So I woke up and messed around and stuff while waiting for free lunch with Lala, where we had this uber talk which was amazingly fruitful and now i've got a bit more direction as to where I'm headed :D

Free Subway Footlongs! Beat everything! Except Free Subway Footlongs with heart-to-heart talks about God!


And then cell. Heh. Cell rockked. John Chia's back (ex cell leader) and sadly he didn't wear the shirt we drew for him just before he left for Michigan, but hey it was cool to see the guy again. Icebreakers were lol. Lala asked me to come up with something retarded and I stole the spin round and round and round last man standing thing that I used for FMS FOC XD.

Flash members, you know the horror. [Evil Grin]

And surprisingly me and keenan were the first to fall.


In our defense we were going like really fast and keenan tripped me while all the others were practically moving at the speed of the sun across the sky and still screaming "I CAN'T DO IT AAAAA IM DIZZZYYY"

Charisia i'm looking at you here. HAHA.

But getting down to the real cell. Discussion and word was really cool! And worship afterwards was at a passion and strength that I don't think I've ever seen before. Granted I don't come down often but that's going to change...

Heh. And then actual youth service.


Epic. Epppiic. It was really nice to hear How Can I Keep From Singing Your Praise again, it was like THE Fuel-Up Camp song, and Fuel-Up Camp being the camp that really shook me up and put me on track to a focus on God in my life like never before,


So grateful(:

So yes! And then Lead Me To The Cross, which is always at least a little bit funny cuz at Coos we usually run it with a guy lead as opposed to the female lead we always hear in the original. But its all good. :D

Then God took over the programme.


Sudden spontaneous time of calling for prayer for those who wanted to experience the Baptism of the Holy Spirit for the first time.

And I stood.

Because it was something just so in line with what me and Lala were talking about earlier about how I wanted to grow, and I knew I really wanted this, because I wanted to grow so much closer to God, because above all I love Him.


So epic time. Heh. Not what one would expect, but i'll just say God really touched me there tonight and I look forward to more of the wonders that He showed me tonight(:

As to what exactly happened, wait till I figure it out in an email and mail it to Lala first, dammit. Haha. I wrote it down so i'm not gonna go off forgetting anything. :D

But it was cool(:

Service itself..okay I guess? Haha. But it ended real quick cause youth is supposed to end at 8 LATEST, and we ended Worship proper at 7.25.

Yes we started at like 5.55pm.

Who's complaining.


So! Dinnertime! I wanted to see if the cell wanted dinner, but not really, so off with the usual bunch. The Actual Whole Usual Bunch for once.

I love you guys so much. Haha.

Seriously! It was really good to see everyone again! All together! I even managed to catch a glimpse of Ms Charlene even though she doesn't seem so eager on hanging with me I actually lost her 4 times in the space of 5 minutes before she managed to sneak away for good. Hmmph.

But I still love you aye. Haha. Go meet the boyfriend. :rolls eyes:



Miracles of miracles Charmaine Mel Celine and Nat actually were staying for dinner! Wow!

So our full roster for dinner was: Me Keenan Yisin Charmaine Shereen Cedrick (Shereen's brother) Celine (Charmaine's sister) Melodie Nat (Melodie's sister).

And it was cooooooolios.

1. Because we actually managed to get two tables at the place where we always sit at, and

2. Because I had the presence of mind to separate the bimbos from each other at the tables.


I actually had to go run off and retreat to my cell leader's dinner table for sanctuary because it was too traumatizing.


Lol. But yes dinner was awesome. And insanely funny. And no one got left out I think anyway except Ms Charlene because she has a boyfriend to pay attention to now and we're not good enough for her no more.

Charlene you're going to murder me, aren't you.

ANYWAY. Dinner+general hilarity finished, and we split into two groups, the we-wanna-play-cards-group and the we're-just-gonna-sit-under-the-tree-over-there-group.

And even though I got massively swarmed by rabid i-will-defend-my-homeland-ants i still don't regret not joining the card group. Seriously now. Cards=bad.

Blehhhh. Not my thing at all yo. I'd much rather see Celine attack Keenan's stomach with the veracity of a...12 year old.

Yes pictures of Keenan getting owned by a little girl are epic. Beyond epic. Haha.

Soz we chilled until 930ish? When the last of the girls had to go and Yisin decided to leave as well. So me and Keenan sat at the carpark where we evacuated to when the ants started zerging us, and generally sat around pondering just how amazing it is the circumstances that brought this bunch of crazy people together in the first place :D

Think about it. I think we're pretty much the only group of people at dinner at the hawker that isn't one cell or another? We're just some random bunch of people that somehow got brought together, and yet are pretty much the people i fit in with the most in my life.

Mostly because of our unwavering passion and stand for God :D

But for other reasons too, like the general craziness levels. Heh.

Picture this:

Charmaine and Mel are godsisters, and so are their younger sisters of course. Shereen is their cellmate, though one year younger, and her brother Cedrick is mostly mad, and is in the same cell (age 12 as well) as Celine, Charmaine's sister. Charmaine, Nat and Shereen are established bimbos (I'm sorry Char, you've gone over. Its been apparent for weeks now), Charmaine and Nat go to ice-skating lessons together, Nat and Shereen usher together at church. Yisin used to/or still is? close to Mel, Charmaine is one of the people I trust the most in life because we're both so idiotic (is this dangerous), and Keenan is just amazing. Like one of the closest people I am to right now in my current stage in life, and we look out for each other. Keenan came to Coos about a year ago, I came 2 years ago, and the others all grew up here. Charlene (I haven't forgotten you!) is Shereen's senior (ex-senior, anyway) and Charmaine's current SAJC schoolmate, also from Shereen and Charmaine's cell. Serving as usher too, and pschool ( i think?) cell leader, also serving there with Mel. Mel plays hockey now, the game I used to play.

And I'm still trying somewhat to drag people into our crazy group, maybe people like Hannah, Polly and Rachel. Idk. Haha. Bleh. As God wills I guess.

And it seems that God's Will as up to now has been to use this group of people, as a group or as individuals, to keep me sane, to make me smile, to be there with the answers or wake me up when i'm going through a rought patch, and for me to do the same for them in turn. And most importantly to grow up in Christ together, watching the wonders of God in our individual lives :D

Great things i see for all of us in the years to come(:

Note: Cedrick and Celine are the same age as my brother, and Shereen and Hannah are the same age as my sister, who is also the same age as Keenan's brother. And also the same age as Polly, Hannah, Shermaine and the other Fairfield girls in Polly's cell who keep bugging me to go to Fairfield's Carnival.

One step further, the same age as Josh's sister who is ALSO in Fairfield.


Bizzare. Can you imagine if we all-


Oh i forgot to mention! Me and Keenan were wondering if Lala was still around, and suddenly she appeared out of nowhere to join us in the middle of the carpark, where we basically described to her what I just described to you just now, and some really meaningful conversations about God, and church, and spiritual gifts (:

Till she had to leave at 1030 to hit town with a friend.

See, our cell leader is happening k.

Anyhow, Keenan and I continued to hang out talking a bit more till lateish. I got home around 1145, which is pretty epic considering i live 5 minutes away from the place. Lol.

So today's been an amazing day, nothing especially big going on, which to me is a BIG THING k, and I appreciated the peace and tranquility and simple happiness going around. I even managed to fit in a little gaming at the end :D

Okay fine more than a little, seeing as I'm still up now. ._.

Omgosh its 5:26 already. I needz to catch some sleep. Lots of work to do tomorrow. Yes the crazy hectic life starts again tomorrow. But its all good cause God's got me covered.

And His promises never fail, no matter who or what else does :D




Night (:

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So i discovered that i didn't bring my charger home. So much for doing newswriting and SU budget planning and tvpro proposal polishing tonight.

And i have 43% bat left fast dying and im spending the time fruitfully blogging.

*awkward silence*

HAHA. oh man! I was gonna blog yesterday about church! and michael ross watson! and yesterday's really cool message!

One of the points he touched on was

Enjoying what God has given you.

And then employ it.

Actually he was talking about money (1 timothy, last chapter, chapter 6), but it struck a chord with me about gifts from God too. Y'know. Like, personality kinda gifts whatever. And i was pondering what God had gifted me personally so abundantly with and immediately it hit me:

My friends. Seriously I am eternally grateful and like i'm just so in awe. God has provided me with such an awesome widespread net of friends everywhere that cover for me just so much when i'm in a scrap. Which is a lot. Ranging from Sports Camp a long time ago, seniors like Sheereen and Yanhong, Wendy, and others that quite frankly saved my Year 1, friends like Josh, Keenan, Yisin and Mel and Bev that are always so willing to bless me when I'm broke, and people just everywhere that have brought so much happiness into my life(:

People who God placed in my life at a certain point to have a certain discussion with me when in emotional turmoil and conflict and whatnot, Charlene, Pris, Keenan just so much, Sharyl, Josh, and we bless and learn and give in turn in that perfect plan that God has us rotating around over and over again.

And people who I look up to so much, and who are unafraid to speak to me harshly in love to get me back on the right track. Off the top of my head, Pris, Josh, Keenan, Mel, and Matt today. Marvin, Kim, etc.

And i know its horribly cliche, but the adage holds true for me-

I would be nothing without any of you guys in my life.

I am so blessed(: Glory to God, because I certainly had nothing to do with it.

And damn well am I going to enjoy what He's given me.

This ties in with what Matt told me on the train today.

"Why are you so pessimistic"

And i thank you for that, Matt. And I thank you for the affirmations, things you said about me tonight that really mean a lot to me. And i hope that I blessed you in turn as well, and if I didn't, here it is now.

Matt, man of God, I respect you amazingly and I thank you for being in my life.


Affirmations were part of yesterdays message too! And it was something that i really identified with because I've gotten little to none of that from my parents over the years..

And whenever someone tells me "Oh great job", or anything along those lines, it really means-

so much to me. No matter who its coming from.

And i've vowed to make sure I ALWAYS affirm people when they deserve to be affirmed. And given credit.


It has come to my attention that I need to stop the rot. Haha. Time to start enjoying work. To paraphrasing Adin's blog, its all about the attitude. And going "come on lets take this shit down rawr". And time to start enjoying the simple pleasures of friends that mean the world to me, even if I'm so busy now I havent seen lots of you guys in years.

Expect calls to lunch soon, aye (:

Because I want to enjoy you, and the amazing blessing you've been to my life.

: D



Friday, June 20, 2008

God (:

Hello you haha. Yes i haven't been here in forever. Crazy busy. So im sitting in SU office at this hour because...suffice to say lots is going on and life is major hectic.

Which is why sessions like today's Everglow Camp Campfire Night are so meaningful to me.

I mean, besides the obvious. Haha. Worked my ass off today, and then rushed down to NUS for campfire night of EverGlow church camp, and like omgosh?

It was so good. Haha. The skits were hilarious beyond hilarious. Ask keenan. Shit. I nearly died laughing for every single one. Madness.

You know how like usually camp campfires have lots of bad skits and only one really good side-splitting one and everybody just tries to be polite and clap and cheer for support and stuff?
This was nothing like that. Haha. Mad!


You guys don't know what you're missing. Heh.

Then the real part of the night started (:

Testimonies, praise session, which led to Pastor Jen saying to hell with the schedule and let God take over for a time of soaking and prayer and pair prophesy and prayer.

And I had my first vision.

Thank you God for answering my prayers(:

See, one of the things that concerned me that night was that i really wanted to see God. To hear God. Audibly. Have a vision. In a way that I could not deny. You know how sometimes we're like "oh is that God? or is that me. I'm not sure):"

Well, there are times, when you know irrevocably that it can only be God. I've experienced a couple of times like that myself. Things that I know clearly are not coming from me cause I never saw them coming either. yeah.

So anyway, i've never had a vision. Which I don't like. Not because having a vision is like oh cool and all, but because I really want to mature as a Christian. Not just someone who just keeps taking and taking and taking, but someone that can also pray for others, intercede for others, prophesy over others and yeah things like that.

I desperately want to serve.

And there was an opportunity for that after the time spent in solo pleading with God for something like that, for something that i could not deny was from him, a vision or an audible voice(:

And so i was praying for this other guy and suddenly there was just something. It just like came. And i knew it wasn't me because there no way my mind could have ever come up with something like that. Haha. I didn't understand what it meant though, and after further asking of God to show me more I only was revealed a little bit more.

But hey, i'm getting there (:

God is good :D

So then i hit back school and mel sends me this link

A short video from Hillsongs featuring Healer, and the cancer-ridden guy who wrote it when he was diagnosed with cancer two years earlier and death was imminent.

And he's still around now and going strong : DDDD

Mel was sobbing as she watched it. I nearly did. And all i want now is to praise You Lord. And enter into more soaking and more rest in His embrace(:

And after that back to work. haha bleh.