Friday, February 22, 2008

You gotta be kidding me

It was well after midnight when Kat called Kenny, suggesting it was too late to visit.

"Are you kidding? I've been waiting. I need to hear everything"

"You are just like a girlfriend," she said, obviously delighted. But she must have been able to tell from his silence that that was the last thing he wanted to hear.

"Oops," she said. "Sorry"

"Just come over," he said. "Unless you don't want to."

"I want to."

Later at Kenny's place.

3 pages of girltalk about Kat's date with some random dude called Qasim later.

Kenny sat again, picking a handful of grapes from the bunch and swirling them in his palm.

"I need to tell you about Qasim, but I don't want you to take it the wrong way."

"What would be the wrong way to take it?"

"I don't know. Maybe that instead of giving you a brotherly warning about a guy, I was just being jealous."

"Jealous of what?"

"Your attention"

That seemed to stop her. She looked genuinely surprised.

"Don't tease me, Kenny."

"Tease you?"

"You needn't be jealous of anyone seeming to have my attention. I've wanted your attention since the day we met."

"Seriously? I've been afraid to-"

"I just figured you saw me as too young, too new in the faith, a little flaky because it took me so long to become a believer. I don't know; maybe you thought I was too immature, hadn't had enough real ministry experience. Or maybe you just didn't think of me, in you know, those terms. Attention terms."

Kenny tried to put the grapes in his mouth, but one missed and rolled down his front, bouncing off his belt buckle and rolling across the floor. Ekaterina made a move to retrieve it, which embarrassed him. He said, "I'll get it," but with his mouth full, his words sounded mushy, which made him laugh, and another grape came shooting out.

Now Ekaterina was laughing, and they were on their hands and knees, gathering the errant grapes. "At least let me get the one that's been in my mouth," Kenny said, and she howled all the more.

Once they were both seated again and Kenny felt the color receding from his face, Ekaterina reached for his hand. He wiped it on his pants to be sure it wasn't sticky with grape juice and extended it. No one but his parents had ever held his hand.

"Now , you're going to tell me about Qasim. And then I'm going to tell you how innocently I view him regardless. And then we're going to tell each other why we're so interested in each other's attention."


In the next chapter Kat is meeting Kenny's parents at breakfast, the very next morning.


like dude seriously now. I have great respect for Lahaye as a pastor and Scripture expert and all, but he's obviously never - aaarrrrrgggghhhh/

*Headbangs wall*

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