Sunday, November 18, 2007

We aren't so different, all of us, all we want is that one person that makes us believe love can exist again.

Hello all. Lol. I've been contemplating blogging for the past few days, but just brushing it off. Hmm. Anyway. This morning I decided to get some work done, homework and stuff, so I started prepping for the practice non-assessed speech, you know, the

Legend has it that Alexander the Great* always slept with two objects under his pillow: a dagger, and a copy of The Iliad**. According to him, these two objects not only possessed practical usefulness (protection from enemies and a means to pass the time), but also defined his personality (both a soldier and a scholar).
Along these same lines, what two objects would legend record you as having under your pillow? Which two items best represent who you are and what is important to you?

So yeah. I for the life of me couldn't find something that personified me, so I started brainstorming on MS Word to get something out. The following wall of text I'm going to post is interesting, to say the least. Might as well.


What’s important to me?

God (:
Uplifting music
Cosy warm fires huddled up in a blanket lost in a book
Hot steaming foods
Grassy fields

Hey. All I want is a happy ever after together with you.
Whoever you might be. But I’ll know when I meet you.

Simple needs. Just me you our own little circle of happiness.
And that’s all I could ever ask for. Doing crazy things together just for the hell of it.

So what object describes me best. Lol.

Uh. Quarterstaff? Lololol. Boat? Er. Blanket. Towel. A gauntlet.

Er. What’s my personality. ENFP. Extroverted. Intuitive. Feeling. Perceiver. Emotional. Fun. Spontaneous. Impulsive. Mad. Irresponsible. Forgetful. Explosive.
Kind. Hates being vulnerable. Crazy on the outside but really sensitive on the inside.
Reads too much into things. Cares about others’ impressions of him. Loud. Forms quick opinions. Loves going out. Likes sitting at home alone too. Gets distracted easily. Not focused. Wants to be appreciated, cared about, loved. Easily influenced to a point. Random. Disorganized. Loves new stuff. Big dreams.

Lol wow. Um. Item that describes me? Cheese maybe. Uh. Bacon? Why I have no idea. Lol. Lettuce. Chicken. ….Nevermind.

But all I have under my pillow is my phone..Er. Lol. What bloody personifies forgetfulness and silliness. Lol. Fail. A clown hat? Yeah right. Uh. A kite maybe. But it seems so..shallow. Hmm. The string. Its not just sticks cloth and string. Hardly that simple. Cool. I’m using a kite. And.

A water gun. Like the Super Soaker kind. Shoots off his mouth so often. But doesn’t really mean it. Just loves fun. Even though to the point of irritating at times. Pressured up water and everything. Cooooool.



What, I can't let such rare long thought out insights just fade into anonymity, can I. Putting it up here so I can go "Whoa, Keann", sometime in the future when I pop back in(:


But uh. After cooking myself lunch. I swear, I'm addicted to cooking, even though I have no idea how.

Like me frying myself eggs, bacon, and a toasted tuna lettuce cheese sandwich for breakfast. Mmmmm.

Note to self: Tuna sandwich good enough without mayo and cheese. Or keep the cheese but drain the tuna first. Soggy toasted big breads not nice.

[Heads back out to put water on the stove]

I mean I would if I didn't feel compelled to put down that last night I had a really interesting long conversation with __________.

Even though I'm over her and all. Uh. Really gotta watch myself there to make sure I don't start entertaining feelings for her again. Friend Zonity all way too familiar to me.

(Week Explodes)

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