Tuesday, November 6, 2007


And then camp happened!

:D :D :D :D



No really. You would expect me to hit camp and go crazy from the get go? Huh. Didn't happen. Tried to stay low-profile and such. I mean, at FOC we went mad and all and we became popular and all that, but at the same time there were people who were bloody hell yes irritated at us, so this time I think I kinda tried to fix that. You know. Don't be so assertive. Give others in my group a chance to shine. Take ideas from other people. Be low-key a bit. Don't hog the limelight.

Which I did.

Which I didn't like doing at all.

So it was rather interesting in a way, the way the camp turned out, how my closer friends like Keenan and Josh went crazy, hogged the limelight, while I just sat there and tried to stomach it.

Don't get me wrong, I had a relatively good time as well.

I mean a really good time.

And I have nothing against the people who did go crazy-ass crazy.

Just frustration with myself really. I told Josh/Keenan about it at camp night as well, and related it to school and the ______ issue, and all that. Really long self-illuminating discussion and I thank them for hearing me out and giving their take on it and all that.

In fact, I think I won't diary it in now. I will at some point, but not now, because I don't want to slip into a really reflective mood and perhaps sombre one just yet. Its only the start of the day. Hahahahhaa. Tonight, alright. Or something. Yanhong if I see you I'll tell you about it in person, alright (:

But camp did rock, yes. A whole lot. Amazing. And amazing people. And I intend to get at least some of them out for this Thursday FOR A MOVIE OR SOMETHING :D :D :D

So yeah. By the way, nothing but respect for the camp comm who planned it and especially jo, rae and sheereen. Man, the work they did for us. Will see about yes buying them a present and all that. This is idea.

_______ was a big part of the camp as well, and the camp was a huge factor in me dropping the chase-thing-process with her.

Will talk about it some other time.

Later (: There's a whole day ahead of me, a day where I'm actually free after class, no work, no training, nothing, and by golly I intend to use it well. :D


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