Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Hello me. And you. Time to wake up to the reality that I actually have readers now. But whatever really, if you've found your way here it pretty much means that I don't mind(;

This means you yanhong qwendy mel keenan. Lol. Hey. A 4 man readership is a good nice number yo.

So yesterday was a pretty good day. Was supposed to come at 7 but overslept and hit school at 11. Handed in my radio capsule which i still think fails, bombed my speechcomm speech, talked to a few cool people, hung out with ________ for awhile. And no, no more details will be forthcoming today before I give myself away.


Yes I bombed speechcomm. Bet you never saw that coming. I certainly never did. I prepared for it too. I've never prepped for a single speech in my life, I've always winged them and gotten away with them, exceedingly well, in fact. Something about a structure and pre-ordained points just throws me off and leaves me forgetting everything.

Which was pretty much what happened yesterday. Huge shocker. Talked to Cordelia afters about it and if nothing else, at least I left her with a good impression of me. Mmpph. Huge shocker there. I mean, its a tad egoistical, but I'm Keann. You know. The speech-doer. The motormouth. The you-can't-shut-me-up I always have something to say guy. And this guy froze on an assessed speech.

A good thing I suppose, I've talked with various people how my philosophy of last minute desperate but really good work is going to inevitably screw me up some day. Never expected it to be speechcomm though. But yeah, probably a good thing, waking me up from my complacency and all that. Just going to have to kick major butt for the next speech then.

Watch this space.

Went to work right afters, tried out taking the straight bus 75 all the way to marina square, and its just wrong. No bloody bus ride to town from bukit timah should take an hour. Wtf. Fail. Major fail. And I thought the 25 minute bus ride home from there on the circling 195 was bad. The hell.

*Needs to bring book*

Work was good, by the way. Was host, which pretty much means standing at the door and smiling and bringing them in. A really good time for revising something like socpsych in my head or something. Except I don't have anything substantial about it in my head at the mo. Which is fail cause I actually do find socpsych really really interesting.


*Determines to do some really good reading*

*Somewhere in there where I want to run, get fitter, pick up a couple of kickass songs on the piano or something*


It turns out that for her paper two math Sherlyn was really helped by God and a lot more composed than her previous one. Praise Him. Its so heartwarming and heartening to hear/read about stories like that- it only does go to show that interceding prayer can does and will help. Without fail(:

Show me more wonderful mysteries of Yours, Lord (:

Yesterday was a relatively good day for me and _______, I think. Got her to open up some, managed to start a dialogue, made a bad joke, got something to tease her about, and ended the conversation on my own terms.



Just taking it as it goes, then. I really do want to be there for her and make her laugh/happy/etc. when she's swamped with stressy stuff, like now. Once I've managed to show her that I can do that for her, the battle's half won already.


Be with me, Lord(: I'm not half as worried that it won't work out because I know no matter what happens, You're there for me and all that(:

Sentosa camp is this weekend.I really should start working out some so I don't look retarded at camp. Yes, I am semi-concerned about how I'm going to look with my shirt off. Yes, its retarded. Yes, you're probably dying of laughter right now. I don't care. My blog, my thoughts, my terms.


Drifting a bit from Marv and the rest now. Don't care. I want to study. I want to do well. Its just too bad if our paths differ, I won't let anybody slow me down. Even if it is Marv/Pat and all those other funny awesome people.

Hey people drift, its life. I gotta go my own way at some point. Harsh, but its the only way to live.

Talked to Yanhong a bit last night. I'm sorry I can't tell you who ______ is yet! :p

You might die of laughter and I might die of humiliation if it doesn't come off well. I'll let you in as soon as I can (:

I'll see you later, alright, you cheer up as well. The hell. There're still truckloads of people here that really really care about you, even if they don't say it all the time. And I care. (:

Had a loooooong convo with Keenan last night regarding the oh-so-good food at CA(changing appetities) and how their ice cream was horribly overpriced in comparision to Cold Rock, which already is horribly overpriced. 12.90 for 2 scoops of CoK ice cream with Oreos over it and on it. That's crap. 22.90 for what they call the Godfather which is really just 5 scoops of ice cream and various oreo/peach topppings. It looks really impressive, until you remember that a Large size(4 scoops) cup of very well mixed ice cream is 8.00 bucks with GST included, and the 14 scoop take home pack is what, 16 dollars?


Its also really interesting how only the bosses are allowed behind the bar making all the desserts milkshakes and drinks and everything. Its like they have all these closely guarded recipes, where at Cold Rock everyone would HAVE to know EVERYTHING. I probably scoop ice cream better than them by default. Lol.

*toys with idea of introducing mixing ice cream to CA*

*ditches idea due to possible threats of getting sued*

May is probably just waiting for the chance to jump on my ass. Lol.

So yeah. Talked to Keenan more about _______, 3 hour convo, ended up being too tired to listen to the radio's late night show/read up on socpsych/start socpsych journal. Not healthy. I mean, our conversations are cool, but I really should have used the time spent in coherency to get some work done. Yeah. Gotta cut down on these.

Semi-big day but very slow in comparison to my usuals ahead! I'll actually be home early aka 8 plus tonight. (:/) Sweet. I can get some work then then.

In hindsight I should probably stop stuffing my days with activities all the way till 11.30- 12+ etc.

And this even with clubbing being a total non-factor in my life.


Can you imagine how screwed I would be if _________ somehow stumbled upon this blog? She'd know exactly what I've been talking about for the whole past week, and I'd be owned so hard.

Or she might ask me out.


k. Should stop blogging now. Should start being productive. Later

Quiet time was good today(:

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