Wednesday, June 20, 2012

If we gotta start somewhere why not here

Its been an interesting day.

Was looking forward to a glorious chilly air-con filled, peaceful gaming afternoon (I don't get many of these anymore), lots of food in the fridge to devour. Then Amos calls me at 3pm:

"Dude what are you doing."

"....I'm at home"

"Okay come out and hang. Amsterdam (What he calls Holland V)."

Me staring at the scorching sky outside from my chilly room in my woolly hoodie ->

"You have to come. Don't say I never ever asked you out. Come now."


But yeah I do feel bad. Cause he's right. I've been wishing people would appreciate me and ask me out all this season, especially when I've been really alone and wondering where my friends are, and you know, he is asking now. Mmmpph. Or maybe I just suck at saying no.
...So I go. Show up at four.

And well - I guess I didn't regret it after all. #grudgingagreement. I.....haven't had a conversation like that in a long time really. Lots of people have been asking me recently why I'm not a leader, or do I want to be again and...I guess I don't know. Lots of it has been me not believing in myself, and not thinking anyone believed in me either. Not feeling like I have a right to push for any of the things that I see or am hungry for because I failed so badly before. Not knowing whether I'd be any good.

So Amos came to me with a vision. Something he wanted to see happening in youth, in our generation, a problem he was seeing and I agreed. Its been there for awhile, and I guess I just haven't not known what to do about it. Been figuring my own life out. Or not feeling like I have a right to say anything when I haven't really been all that faithful. But he's right. This is a huge thing. There is a need for more.

And I guess I felt the old fires stirring again, you know? They've always been still here. I'm still hungry for it. I'm still ready to make a generation that is pushing no-holds barred for the kingdom of God. I don't want a generation that settles. I don't want to settle. There is so much more. And it means so, so much to me that he asked me. That somebody would think I'd be useful (I clearly have stuff to work through :/). I may not know very much. But there's something here that I want to see. And I want to see spanning the globe. Things like these are still very much what I always have been made for.

I'm in a place where I'm so glad God still loves me. That's crazy. And I know I love God. I know what I've done for that cause. But I don't want to stay here forever. I can't rest on past glory. If I'm really remaining in God's love - I am the vine and you are the branches - then I must bear much fruit, you know? I've been pondering what that fruit should look like. But I want it. I don't just want to stay here, for if not I'm not truly in God's love.

And I think this might be part of it. I have been given the gift of time. Maybe I don't want to apply for that journalism internship after all. Maybe I want to use that time to go to pastors and learn, go and find the youth all over Singapore that are hungry to take ownership of our generation. Connect. Build. Make something. What would that look like?

Hell maybe I shouldn't go overseas for uni, at least not right away or something, if we need more time to build this, more than 6 months.

I need to sit down to pray a lot about all this. I might not have to give everything up, but what's important is that I am willing.

A couple more things....I got dragged to Gerald's/Clarence's gig later. Was good. But the interesting thing was, I found myself reaching out to this young lady from Vietnam working at a chocolate shop while Amos was in the washroom. Was just talking and she was talking about how hard it was for her here, she's working every day (Which in F&B is no joke), and I resolved to buy her favourite ice-cream at her shop to bless her (giving generously is something I want to do). But I was troubled because I knew the greatest thing I could give her was not ice-cream or kind words, but to show her Jesus? And I didn't know how to do it. Was fretting with Amos about it.

But when I gave her the ice-cream, she tried to give it back to me, saying she'd rather have my number (Heh.) - because she wanted to learn better English and maybe I could teach her (opportunity!!). And then she started talking about how she really wanted to get out of this job, she'd been working here for 4 years in a foreign land and no pay increase or anything but she didn't know where to go - and I was like, maybe you could come to my church? And we could try to connect you with someone that could help. And she seemed hopeful and really grateful, she told us another lady yesterday offered to do the same thing for her too.

I'm just really grateful to God for face-first handing us the opportunity to invite her to learn of Him, I wouldn't have known how to otherwise. Honest. I really hope it works out for her. And I'm going to see what I can do about the English thing. Maybe after I finish NS next week I could drop by with a Bible for her and teach her English through that? I've never done anything like this before. But missionaries through the ages have often taught English with the Bible so....twofold purpose?

Then I started thinking. Maybe this is what I want to do for 6 months instead of a temp reporter gig. Maybe this is how I could make a difference. I hate these days how everyone keeps going on about foreigners being terrible and taking our jobs. Its the worst attitude ever. And maybe I could counteract that in my own way, with God's love. Teach disadvantaged foreigners better English so they can get better job opportunities. And point them to God, connect them to a community in this.


After the gig, Amos and I went to Maccas for cheap ice-cream. Then we saw this guy going past us on crutches. And I'm staring at Amos and he's all like casually: "Your turn." AND I'M LIKE WHAT. NO. I haven't done stuff like this in years! Plus, Amos is always going on about how he always does this on the street, pray for the disabled, but I've never seen it! I want to learn it from a pro. Seeing it in church doesn't count.

So that happens. Haha. Turns out the guy is Aussie, went to Monash for engineering, been crippled since he was 7, but is here now working in a bank. And we prayed for him. I asked Amos if he normally asks the people to try their limbs out after he prays for them and he said not always. So hey. Maybe its less awkward that way. I just want to get started again. Revival in this city.

I want to bear fruit again. Its been far too long. I want more.
I want more.

Was listening to TobyMac on the way home:

If you gotta start somewhere why not here 
If you gotta start sometime why not now 
If we gotta start somewhere I say here 
If we gotta start sometime I say now
- City On Our Knees

I want more.
I think I've given up far too much to stop running now. I don't want to forget that.
Well goodnight for now. I'm hoping for testimonies the next time I post.

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