Sunday, March 7, 2010

Facebook Archive - 10 May 2009

Let's do another one of these. Since tina likes them, and I haven't written anything not graded in a really long time.

And as usual I'm going to start out having no idea what I'm going to type at all. I'm just happy. High. Rain Down is playing over and over in my stolen-from-sister headphones. Very happy. Haha. Why do you like reading these people. I don't knowwwwwwwwww. Happy. Hiiiiiggh.

Sweet anointing fill this place

Omigosh drums. Guitar. Bass. Electric. Lead vocals. Backups. Reverb. Riff. Soooooo gooood. God :D

Hahahahah I'm sorry I'm high!

Singing with my hands dampened over my mouth so my mom won't come screaming.

Remind me never to yell at my kids if they're worshipping at 2am in the future.


I'd join.

This also involves being in love with someone spontaneous and crazy and unflinching in the face of nutso kids+bigger kid.

Which narrows out about 80% of you.

You know who you are.


I think the secret to good notes is resisting the compulsion to use all caps, even for hahas. I have been sorely tempted to do so about 77 times in the past five minutes.


Anyway. Haha. Let' about shower worship. Mmmmmmmmm.

Perfect. Just. Absolutely. So good. Only place in the house I realise I can get away with singing at a moderate volume ( I share a room) with awesome reverb and so I shall!

I really don't know where this note is going.

Haha whatever. I just know that shower worship was so cool. I can't be half-assed to churn out an extremely motivating gushy minute-by-minute commentary about it that will make grown mountains weep and move tall men.

I think I mixed that last bit up somehow.


Anyway. Yeah. Just happy. Kneeled in shower after singing Sweet Anointing, Wash Me Over about a million times, and just worshipped.

I turned off shower, it was getting distracting. Something funny about not wanting the shower on when singing Rain Down seriously. Worshipped.




Drip, drip,


Coooooool :D

My favourite part of the song, first verse and pre-chorus:

I am falling to my knees
I need You Lord to breathe in me
My prayer is still the same
My heart is calling out Your name

Sweet anointing fill this place
I am found in Your embrace

Just something so epic. About wanting to be still, and crying out, and asking for His tangible presence to fill and soak up the room where you are (: (: (:

Woooooooo. Hahahahahah.

Somebody stop me or I'm going to end up repeating this over and over again!

Haha so well. The day ends. Gonna head to WoW auction houses for awhile. Idk. Maybe worship somemore. I think I'm going to consign the guitar to the bag for tonight. Go to bed. in the morning.

Haha only in year three do you get one day weekends. Freshies you have been warned.

Today was an awesome holiday(:

Thank you Tina, thank you Angie, thank you mark haha, keenan, rachel, everybody else. Tis was really epic and cool and chill and I feel so rested and I don't want today to end!

Funny about today's message/altar call. I asked God, during worship, to surprise me. I haven't prayed that prayer in a long time. And every time I ask that, something hugely epic and soul-moving just blindsides me, never seeing it coming, when I think I know what is coming, I get hit with an effing oil tanker of "No u" from God.

Which of course is exactly what I really need to happen and it all makes complete sense during/after getting hit by the mac truck.

I was expecting maybe comfort and inner healing for me not being able to forgive/trust/have my mom in life due to past hurts and current hurts and all that jazz.

Instead God called me out to ask for forgiveness for consigning my mom to the "I give up" heap.

Which of course, is exactly what I needed.

Well. Blue roses. Thanks Tina (:

And a red rose for Mari next week...oh joy. Why do I get myself into these things.

Haha. Time to go I guess! Before I start talking about bananas and the AWARE saga.

Shoutouts: Missed you today Nat(: See you next week? Love you, haha. Mel: We didn't get to hang out today! Haha. Gtfo of bed and come to starbucks already, jeez. Haha. Chonghao: Yes, you're invited too, we need more guys in this place anyway...Tina+Angie: <3. You know (: Just <3 Music and earphones, sofas, seabreezes and dark mocha frapps. Guitars, comics, Godtalk, God. Thank you for being my friends(:

Keenan: Gtfo quizzes. Lol.

WoW: Goodbye its been a good run but I'll see you no longer after thursday. I need my real life back, and if I can't bear to leave you I'll just sit on my ass and wait for subscription to end this thursday (: Its been a good run(:


Darn I used caps after all.

Haz, Amar, Vicson, Val!: Good to see you today! Haha. Random. STARBUCKS ONEFULLERTON REPRESENT.

Better get out before everything becomes caps spam. Haha. Laterrr. Good night.

Brb respeccing real life(:


I am falling to my knees
I need You Lord to breathe in me
My prayer is still the same
My heart is calling out Your name

Sweet anointing fill this place
I am found in Your embrace

Rain down on me
Rain down on me
Here in Your presence I am free
Pour down like rain
Come and touch me again
Lord let Your presence fall on me

I’m longing just to see
Your power and Your majesty

Sweet anointing fill this place
I am found in Your embrace

Sweet anointing
Wash me over
Sweet anointing
Wash me over

Sweet anointing wash me over

Updated about 10 months ago · ·
Melodi Ghui
Melodi Ghui
HAHAHA eh had ex-cell dinner which was awesome fun because i missed them like maaaad. plus i ALWAYS hang out nowadays with you guys.

I will think about going to O.F starbucks, i don't like travelling alot, esp to that area. so, haha!
May 10, 2009 at 2:13am ·
Keann Chong
Keann Chong
i miss them like maaaaaad. Too. Haha. They are an awesome bunch of people. Please go and hang with them some more you know I'm perfectly cool with it ♥

Pris cell represent. Haha.
May 10, 2009 at 2:15am ·
Shery Delilah Chan
Shery Delilah Chan
i could sp hear your voice as i was reading this! hahah awesome, awesome. miss you dear!
May 10, 2009 at 2:18am ·
Melodi Ghui
Melodi Ghui
hahaha well i miss them heckloads(with the slight exception of veron, cause our cell rooms are just next door + same leaders cell so haha) D: crap la aaahhhh
May 10, 2009 at 2:20am ·
Angeline Ngui
Angeline Ngui
Did you give your mum the rose? (:
Yes ch, join us!... See More
Aw guys, I ♥ (haha tina) chilling with you guys too!
Starbucks. 8D
May 10, 2009 at 2:25am ·
Keann Chong
Keann Chong
what are YOU still doing up. haha. What am i...for that matter :s
May 10, 2009 at 3:39am ·
Shery Delilah Chan
Shery Delilah Chan
good morning keann. :X
May 10, 2009 at 3:40am ·
Angeline Ngui
Angeline Ngui
It's a nice night to stay up in.
May 10, 2009 at 3:53am ·
Keann Chong
Keann Chong
mmm thunderrr
May 10, 2009 at 4:08am ·
Angeline Ngui
Angeline Ngui
Yum it's so pretty. :D
May 10, 2009 at 4:15am ·

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