Thursday, December 11, 2008


Who am I trying to be anyway. I'm obviously not part of that world so why does it seem like I'm trying so hard to fit in. Considering I have no legitimate ties to said social circle at all, but I read blogs and talk to people and post on tagboards like I have a right to. This is a dangerous obsession and I keep asking myself why but stop thinking before I can give myself an answer. I clearly don't want an answer. And life seems good now but what happens when shit happens and I realise that I've been deceiving myself all this time and okay goodbye the next 2 years of my life its time to be emo and broken and crushed again.

-multiply situation x 1000-

I hate feature (completely unrelated)

I can come up with a story, whatever but I always get stumped when I get to the "Why would people read this" part of the template.

Because...its fun? My thought processes don't go much further than that. That's how I read mags. If I read them at all. I just flip, and I read to kill time. Magazines fail. They're lame, superficial, maddeningly glossy and out to get your money blatantly by killing your brain and cheapshotting you with materialism over and over again.

I don't get them at all.

Part of that world

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