Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I am going to hell

I am turning into one of those birthday wishlist people. Aaaaaaa.

- I would really like speakers. For dance. Bass. I like bass. Bass is awesome :D

- Caps. Don't laugh <_<

- Shoeessss

- I'd like a hoodie :D

- I'dz likez sweatshirtz

- A bike. Okay near impossible, but hey just saying ._.

- Gloves! Like the no fingers kind.

- If you buy a shirt, i'll wear it. S'long as its big, and not emo :D

- A mat. You know, one of those big blue gym mat things. So I can practice flips without killing myself. My bed just doesn't cut it..

- An iPod. Having speakers, without an iPod, is just sad D=

- A band to keep my glasses attached to my face when attempting to dance or run would be nice. Lol.

-Heck, buy me a haircut, and i'll be happy. :D


There. I did it. Lol. Er. But you don't have to get me anything! Hahaaha. Me and God and my friends and I'm good to go, really(:

Now I'm going to pretend its my 17th birthday coming up. Yeah.


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