Monday, March 10, 2008

And as promised :D

Hello. So my head hurts a little and my neck is cramping and I really should go pack for 4 days of the funnest camp I’ll ever be at, but I promised myself and y’all that I’d blog about the serious stuff at some point. So here it is. What I selectively remember of it, anyway :D


Rawrrrrr. I need a raspberry cream blended frapp.

Like eeek gahhh. Oh, I have more Abby bimbo convo material that I forgot to put up but I thought I’d save it for our:o her wedding or someday when I want to embarrass the holy crap outta her :D

Yes I love you too Abbs :rolls eyes:

ANYWAY. YES. Friday was a pretty epic day all things considered. Flag painting, entire hand silver spraying that Jeremy promised me he’d send me the photo of whooo major kick ass :D:D

→Big Thing 1:←

But what mattered to me most that day was the entirely random 5 frickken 5 hour phone call I had with Melissa out of the blue :blink:

I mean like do you comprehend how long a 5 hour convo is. Its like. A half-an-hour torturous period of Chinese x10 in a row. 3 lectures on lecture day. More time than most of us spend sleeping during school days :o

Like what the hell mannn. And yes it was very atypical that at least half the conversation was about God :D

I mean like whoa man I love when that happens. Two random people who hardly know each other instantly finding common ground just like that snap once they find out they both love Jesus Christ our Savior Lord and Risen King to nuts, like boogly woogly pink candy floss nuts :D

And God knows I love talking about God:D

I have no idea where that pink candy floss stuff came from…


I found out that Mel was a Christian that other day in Fort Canning Park. And then I found out WeiJian was a Christian too from Heart of God church where Ignite was, of all places, and he was at Ignite too that conference that did oh-my-goodness so much for me and really put fire in our hearts to run out and reach people in our school :D:D

Freakkyyyyyy. (:

I’m not so alone after all it seems :D


I love Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu \(^-^)/


And let me just say here that for all of Mel’s annoying idiosyncracies (half of which are mine too :s), she’s an amazing person who really loves and lifts everyone around her so much that it’s impossible to ignore. You’re going to go horribly far in life, Mel, loving people so openly and unafraidly the way you do(:

And God’s never ever going to let you go, He’s got his arms firmly wrapped around you in so many ways and on so many levels so don’t stress out so much kay(:

And here our beloved 150cm TALL sister was adamantly telling me that I had this gift that would enable me to help others and that she felt I was going to end up being a ********** for God but nahhhh I brushed it off because I really didn’t think ( and still don’t) that I was good enough. That I’m up to the task. Because I’m well aware of how much I DON’T know, how much I am still enslaved to the desires of the flesh, how I don’t love enough, how I can’t even push myself past the psychological barrier to evangelise to my friends, among other things. Like no way in hell mannnn. Haha. Lord. I’m not possibly ready and I’m afraid to stand up and say “Ooooh I’m going to be this ******” because if I screw up and backslide and mess up my life its going to make me look horribly stupid for being an upstart and thinking I was up to this, on top of making God+the church look stupid, as well as letting them down.

Because I’m terrified of failing for You God, it’s a pretty biiiig thing :o

→Big Thing 1 (End :x)←

So retardedly hilarious zombie movie aside and other things that I forget, we ended call and headed to bed like whoops BECAUSE NEITHER OF US WAS SUPPOSED TO SLEEP.

Which brings us to the next day ><


I supposed I deserved it though, sleeping at 5 like that ><

Taxiied ):

HAHA anyway. Got loads of encouragement unprecedentedly from Apple-not-the-company-the-sweet-girl about school results like yay :D

Thank you Lord I tried desperately to honour you with my work this sem and You came through like :DDDDDD how can I not praise you(: (: (:

Like I even need another reason….



I managed to find my way to service(:

Which rocked like crazzyyyyyy. I definitely needed the replenishment, Lord. People ask why do Christians have to go to church when we’re already saved and don’t have to do anything anymore! Well hey, because it stops the backsliding. Because God uses services and fellowship to remind us oh-so-much why we came to him in the first place. It keeps us sane. It makes living in the world each week a little easier. Because it replenishes our spiritual water bottles after a week of exhaustion and draining away.
And those are just the benefits of the top of my head. Me, I go simply because:

I love You God and I can’t get enough of You and I want to worship You every chance I get because You’re worth it(:

I am in awe of You(: (: (:

→Big Thing 2 :o ←

Something happened at the end of service which awed and terrified me all at the same time

Like, yeah.

Long story short, Guest Speaker Pastor whatshername I forget felt compelled by God to send an altar call for people she felt in the room were being called by God for a specific service in the church. To serve. To be anointed. To lead. To devote their lives in that specific way to God that God had already been telling them throughout the week. And she called those people who God had been moving through to come to the front in a physical expression of taking charge of that destiny, of doing something about it.

And I blanched.

Because my that calling had happened the day before

Yes, the Melissa convo :o

Headrush. My first instinctive reaction was “No that can’t be right. It doesn’t count”. “It can’t be me.”
“I’m not up to this”
“I daren’t, Lord, I don’t want to screw this up”
“Are You sure”
“I’m afraid”
“What if I’m mistaken”

But then God said to me:

“I’ve called you to this destiny before, you know you remember”

And yeah, He had. :s I couldn’t deny that. Happened last year. Out of the blue. Went up, got prayed for, but I just let it die after a while.

And now I know irrevocably what God has called me to be.

:o :o

Funny how God works like that.

And it terrifies me Lord, that I’ll screw up or something, don’t let me go kay cause there’s no possible way I can do this without you.

For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth.
But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.
He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things – and the things that are not - to nullify the things that are,
So that no one may boast before him.

~1 Corinthians 1:26-29

I’m terrified, Lord, but I love You and I’m ready to give up anything for You( I hope), and I’ll serve You if You’ll have me(:

So holey moley :o

Yeah. Lol. Entirely in awe. Went to dinner with Hannah(+ Jonathan-green-eyes and Charmaine-hat-girl) because I like her company and she went up for altar call too and it turns out she was called to be a worship leader. So cool right. (:

I think I’m going to try to get into the habit of discussing the service and how it impacted us over dinner with my dinner people, instead of just making fun of Shereen and any other hapless ditzy bimbo who happens across our path XD

It shouldn’t be too hard cause we’re all nuts over God(:

And I’m nuts over them :D Like really man. Like I’ve spent so much time with Kappa Tau people lately heh as it should be XD and I have tons of fun with them and all but by Friday I couldn’t wait to see my church people alr. Pretty most almost nothing beats fellowship with people who love God like you do. Cause He’s the center of our lives and the core of our relationships and that’s nothing that tops that feeling cept fellowship with God Himself :D :D


→Big Thing 2 (End :D)←

Which brings us to Big Thing 3(:

→Big Thing 3←



So there was dinner right. I dragged Charmaine along for dinner because I missed her like crazy (yes I actually do, you moronic girl -_-) and because she needed cheering up. At my expense as usual. Especially once Celine and Natty showed up.

For those not in the know Celine is Charr’s little sister who is possibly even scarier than she is and Nat is their Godsister who is just plain crazy

But let’s not talk about that turn of events because i say so(;


Anyway, it somehow culminated in me jumping into their cab with them because Charmaine and I wanted to talk somemore, and we headed over to Nat’s place to chill at the playground with the swings and the stars(:

Minus the mini-morons, of course :raises hands in exasperation:

Night heart-to-heart talks are pretty much what I live for(:

It sucks though that everyone that agrees with me stays like insanely far away from me and by insanely far I mean not walkable. I’m not going to walk a bloody 45 minutes to anybody’s playground k thanks no.

But yeah, we have to do that more often, girl, was tons of fun(:

Hang in there in school aye. And get your mom to adopt me already…



Goodnight, all, I have a camp to rock the house down :D



Eh, I've just realised that Charr has packed herself off for a week to Bangkok possibly already idk lolol its like :o


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