Saturday, January 24, 2009

Popping In

For the first post of the new year:

Just back from Zouk and I think clubbing is really retarded. Thanks. Its a travesty to all dance. Bobbing around in a massive pressing crowd trying to look cool with a fake smile plastered across your face for four hours hooting randomly with the crowd at predictable song intervals.


I literally. Had no space. To do anything. Which completely blows.

Now we know why you absolutely have to drink to get high and have fun in a place like that. Its absolutely maddening otherwise.

Which is too bad because some of the girls are really really hot. And I'd love to go over and make friends and try to dance with them (I mean really dance), but every single guy (in a ratio of 15:1) in the place making a beeline to and around those (and any) girls in the place to get some action really just makes the whole thing very sad.

And predatory.

And the whole time bobbing around trying to squeeze past each other to get to said girls.

I love a good dance floor as much and probably more than most people but jeez that isn't no dance floor, that's an idiocy-fest.

I'm sure its really fun for most of you, I'll take your word for it, but...sigh.

I'll spend my friday nights at the Esplanade Underground really dancing, from now on, if I want to.

And the next person in earshot that goes "Omg omg I really can't wait we're going clubbing tonight we're going to DANCE", I am going to body tackle in a scream of rage, God help me.

Okay maybe it just sucked because there literally was no space to find my own dance floor to carve out OR like-minded friends to dance/battle/coordinate it out with.

In that sense ZoukOut would probably be much better.

I did find my own spot at some point, had to break away and go to the back solo away from my friends who were having fun, but it gets tiring after awhile really going nuts really dancing without friends (e.g. Adin) to cheer you on/krunk it out with you.

Such a perfectly good waste of good music.

And no it wasn't my first time. I just gave the other times the benefit of the doubt.

Also, I don't like alcohol.

Did you know that it really got so sian that for long protracted periods of time I was PRAYING on the dancefloor because talking to God was just so much better than all the sadness going on around me. Which I suppose is a good thing :/

Ah well. Guess I deserved it, for not honouring my parents about going. Haha God *sheepish*

Losing myself in worship and talking to God is so much more awesome than anything on the dance floor+alcohol can do. I'll be a fool for God, not for alcohol and Katy Perry.

Haha well learnt my lesson, God (:

(I have the credibility to talk about this because I DO dance better than a majority of the people on the club floor. And only because all the real dancers came to this conclusion early before I did :/)

So much more to say but I'll leave at here for now I think.

Goodnight/morning, off to school to sleep/meet Genny. PR! [: