Sunday, April 20, 2008



And here I am with as little fanfare as possible..

I figure that no one is going to want to endure my forced rambling about FOC, awesome as it was, or FMS FOC, retarded as it was, and the rest of my crazy life since then. So THERES A HUGE VOID THERE BUT SAD IF YOU WERE THERE WITH ME COOL IF NOT BLEH.

So I attempted to be constructive today and attempted my virgin poem in the spirit of homework. In the spirit of hypocrisy I have not touched my tvpro script at all. I'm doomed.



Advertising. Don't ask. But I think my group/team/whatever rocks, and Lord I pray that You give me the resolve and the everything to serve them as best as I can. With You through me. Just be with me Lord(:

Yes coming back to poem. Here it is :o


I Remember

I remember us, Anna.
Back when we were near-inseparable.
As friends, nothing more-
But maybe there could have been.
According to everyone else, anyway.

You remember that field we used to go to?
Its strange to talk like this
Cause I’ve buried your memories
So deep
So far down
And I’m okay with that.
Not thinking about you and how you used to make me feel
All the money in the world won’t bring you back
And I’m okay with that.

I remember that day.
I remember tickling you so hard with wild abandon
Yet trying God-awfully hard to stick to our boundaries
Just friends, nothing more.
No kisses
No arms around shoulders
No staring into those deep dark eyes that sparkled so
The universe was in your eyes
And maybe, just maybe
There was an inch of you that felt the same way

I remember the pool and the water slides.
The ashen-white faces of the guards watching us
As we shoved each other and the dog into the water
And put the hapless dog down the slide
Before we got kicked out, anyway.
But we didn’t care, no.
Nothing else mattered that day except us two.
And I hoped beyond hope that
Maybe, just maybe
There was an inch of you that felt the same way

I remember the grassy field
The one we retreated to in indignant chagrin
And I remember the indignation evaporating almost instantly
The smiling sun, the cool breeze and the dancing water sprinklers telling us
This wasn’t quite so bad after all!
And I remember the hours we spent there that day
Just lying there in our soaked belongings
Head to head,
Toe to toe
Me in my school things and you in your FBTs
And I remember tickling you so hard in wild abandon…


I've never really wanted to write poems because it took me sooooo long to claw myself out of that emo pit, back then, and writing poems as far as I know involve me jumping back into that sad sad pit of pathetic sappyness. Like uh. There was this period of time that I wrote poems on my handphone, in tears and in the dark and in impulsive torrential grief. Lol. That was two handphones ago, and those poems are probably lost to the world now. Good riddance :p


Dota with Keenan is lol. We always figure out some way to make the game epic, somehow.

And oh yes was it epic

I've also decided I'm going to join dancesports because I can :o